# First Name Last Name Division Obstacles Time League
1 Joshua Knapp 15U Male 8 00:37.09 8
Joshua Knapp is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 150878
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.00 / 00:02.00
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.12 / 00:04.11
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:06.90 / 00:11.01
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.64 / 00:14.65
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.52 / 00:19.17
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:09.37 / 00:28.54
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.83 / 00:31.37
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:05.72 / 00:37.09
2 Ryan Karla 9U Male 8 00:41.30 8
Ryan Karla is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161355
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.18 / 00:04.18
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.32 / 00:05.50
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:08.34 / 00:13.83
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.86 / 00:18.70
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.43 / 00:20.12
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:08.84 / 00:28.96
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.96 / 00:32.92
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.38 / 00:41.30
3 Lily Barrett 11U Female 8 00:41.47 8
Lily Barrett is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 135291
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.24 / 00:02.24
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.64 / 00:04.88
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:08.47 / 00:13.34
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.78 / 00:17.13
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.31 / 00:21.43
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:11.17 / 00:32.60
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:01.78 / 00:34.38
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.08 / 00:41.47
4 Aria Capozzi 9U Female 8 00:42.26 8
Aria Capozzi is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162454
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:05.48 / 00:05.48
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.25 / 00:06.73
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:10.84 / 00:17.56
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.99 / 00:21.55
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.51 / 00:24.06
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:08.67 / 00:32.73
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.20 / 00:34.93
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.33 / 00:42.26
5 Will Mihm 11U Male 8 00:42.84 8
Will Mihm is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 151794
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.51 / 00:02.51
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.80 / 00:05.32
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:07.36 / 00:12.68
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.32 / 00:17.00
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.69 / 00:21.68
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:11.31 / 00:33.00
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.49 / 00:35.48
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.35 / 00:42.84
6 Alden Koehn 9U Male 8 00:45.28 8
Alden Koehn is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 152519
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.86 / 00:03.86
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.08 / 00:05.94
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.60 / 00:18.54
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.35 / 00:21.90
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.32 / 00:24.21
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:09.42 / 00:33.64
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.57 / 00:38.20
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.07 / 00:45.28
7 Gibson Mansfield 9U Male 8 00:45.81 8
Gibson Mansfield is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 169485
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:06.24 / 00:06.24
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.46 / 00:08.70
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:07.10 / 00:15.80
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.45 / 00:20.25
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.12 / 00:22.37
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:12.10 / 00:34.48
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.16 / 00:37.64
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.17 / 00:45.81
8 Gabriella Gamble 9U Female 8 00:46.08 8
Gabriella Gamble is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162468
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.34 / 00:04.34
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.75 / 00:06.09
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.60 / 00:17.69
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.32 / 00:22.01
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.40 / 00:24.40
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:09.64 / 00:34.04
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.20 / 00:38.24
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.84 / 00:46.08
9 Griffin Cooper 9U Male 8 00:47.78 8
Griffin Cooper is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161379
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.82 / 00:03.82
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.81 / 00:05.63
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.73 / 00:17.36
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.39 / 00:22.76
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.88 / 00:25.63
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:09.66 / 00:35.29
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.81 / 00:39.10
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.68 / 00:47.78
10 Brody Messier 15U Male 8 00:48.02 8
Brody Messier is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 152474
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.42 / 00:02.42
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.80 / 00:04.22
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:07.95 / 00:12.17
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.73 / 00:16.90
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:05.00 / 00:21.90
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:14.54 / 00:36.45
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.28 / 00:40.74
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.28 / 00:48.02
11 Brody Nackley 9U Male 8 00:49.28 8
Brody Nackley is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 151989
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.76 / 00:03.76
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.50 / 00:05.26
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:08.75 / 00:14.01
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.10 / 00:18.10
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:05.46 / 00:23.56
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:15.48 / 00:39.03
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.00 / 00:42.03
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.25 / 00:49.28
12 Aiden Engl 9U Male 8 00:50.33 8
Aiden Engl is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174495
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.56 / 00:03.56
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.58 / 00:06.13
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.84 / 00:17.97
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.02 / 00:21.99
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.23 / 00:25.22
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.06 / 00:38.29
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.52 / 00:41.81
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.52 / 00:50.33
13 Adelena Messier 13U Female 8 00:50.62 8
Adelena Messier is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 152475
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.46 / 00:02.46
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.53 / 00:04.99
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:08.83 / 00:13.82
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.15 / 00:18.97
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:05.10 / 00:24.07
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:15.42 / 00:39.49
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.87 / 00:43.35
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.27 / 00:50.62
14 Annika Koehn 7U Female 8 00:50.74 8
Annika Koehn is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174035
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.74 / 00:04.74
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.55 / 00:06.29
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.10 / 00:18.38
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.24 / 00:23.62
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.21 / 00:25.84
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.92 / 00:39.75
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.06 / 00:43.82
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:06.92 / 00:50.74
15 Luc Kemmerer 11U Male 8 00:50.98 8
Luc Kemmerer is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 133114
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.47 / 00:02.47
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.42 / 00:04.89
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:09.72 / 00:14.61
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.22 / 00:18.82
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.46 / 00:23.29
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:14.19 / 00:37.48
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.32 / 00:39.80
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:11.19 / 00:50.98
16 Aiden Ayers 7U Male 8 00:51.14 8
Aiden Ayers is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 172823
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.09 / 00:03.09
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.57 / 00:04.66
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:18.57 / 00:23.22
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.05 / 00:27.27
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.68 / 00:28.95
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:12.16 / 00:41.11
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.06 / 00:44.17
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:06.97 / 00:51.14
17 Everett Addario 11U Male 8 00:51.58 8
Everett Addario is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 150434
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.53 / 00:02.53
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.61 / 00:05.14
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:09.10 / 00:14.24
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.78 / 00:18.02
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:05.00 / 00:23.01
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:15.02 / 00:38.03
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:01.75 / 00:39.78
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:11.80 / 00:51.58
18 Aveon Erardi-Rowser 7U Male 8 00:51.62 8
Aveon Erardi-Rowser is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 167738
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.61 / 00:03.61
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.06 / 00:05.67
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:13.79 / 00:19.45
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.19 / 00:24.64
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.35 / 00:26.99
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:11.03 / 00:38.02
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.24 / 00:44.27
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.35 / 00:51.62
19 Alexandria Barone 13U Female 8 00:51.66 8
Alexandria Barone is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 150311
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.31 / 00:02.31
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.17 / 00:04.48
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:10.96 / 00:15.44
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.25 / 00:19.69
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.75 / 00:24.44
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:17.30 / 00:41.74
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.23 / 00:43.97
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.69 / 00:51.66
20 Victoria Mitchell 11U Female 8 00:51.86 8
Victoria Mitchell is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 151705
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.17 / 00:02.17
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.27 / 00:04.44
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.42 / 00:16.85
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.25 / 00:21.10
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:07.62 / 00:28.72
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:14.19 / 00:42.91
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:01.62 / 00:44.54
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.32 / 00:51.86
21 William Gamble 9U Male 8 00:52.23 8
William Gamble is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162469
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:05.05 / 00:05.05
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.51 / 00:07.56
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.93 / 00:20.49
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.74 / 00:26.23
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.42 / 00:29.65
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:10.26 / 00:39.91
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.33 / 00:44.23
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.00 / 00:52.23
22 Harper Bergin 9U Female 8 00:53.64 8
Harper Bergin is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161200
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.56 / 00:04.56
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.99 / 00:06.55
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:13.22 / 00:19.77
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.00 / 00:25.77
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.63 / 00:27.40
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:10.32 / 00:37.72
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.35 / 00:42.07
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:11.57 / 00:53.64
23 Keagan Tryba 9U Male 8 00:54.24 8
Keagan Tryba is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 149285
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.96 / 00:02.96
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.24 / 00:05.20
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:09.10 / 00:14.30
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.82 / 00:20.11
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.70 / 00:23.81
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:17.82 / 00:41.63
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.53 / 00:45.16
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:09.09 / 00:54.24
24 Charlotte Barrett 11U Female 8 00:54.29 8
Charlotte Barrett is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 124464
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.47 / 00:02.47
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.67 / 00:09.14
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.82 / 00:20.96
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.24 / 00:25.20
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.63 / 00:29.83
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.80 / 00:43.63
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.40 / 00:46.04
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.26 / 00:54.29
25 Sia Markle 9U Female 8 00:54.31 8
Sia Markle is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 169720
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:06.29 / 00:06.29
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:10.43 / 00:16.72
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:05.12 / 00:21.84
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:02.68 / 00:24.52
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:16.11 / 00:40.64
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:03.27 / 00:43.91
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:10.40 / 00:54.31
26 Joslyn Orendorf 11U Female 8 00:55.37 8
Joslyn Orendorf is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 163167
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.77 / 00:02.77
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.78 / 00:06.54
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.21 / 00:18.75
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.76 / 00:23.51
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.70 / 00:28.21
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:16.99 / 00:45.20
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.45 / 00:47.66
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.71 / 00:55.37
27 Peyton Switek Adult Female 8 00:59.82 8
Peyton Switek is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 142933
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.42 / 00:03.42
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.35 / 00:09.77
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.93 / 00:21.70
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.39 / 00:27.09
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:06.07 / 00:33.16
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:16.11 / 00:49.27
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.05 / 00:52.32
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.50 / 00:59.82
28 Esme Kobayashi 11U Female 8 01:00.49 8
Esme Kobayashi is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 152194
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.65 / 00:02.65
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.33 / 00:08.98
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.65 / 00:21.64
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.85 / 00:26.48
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:05.15 / 00:31.64
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:18.72 / 00:50.36
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.27 / 00:52.62
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.86 / 01:00.49
29 Evan Marscher 9U Male 8 01:00.63 8
Evan Marscher is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 176761
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.85 / 00:03.85
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.30 / 00:06.16
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:13.66 / 00:19.82
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.27 / 00:24.08
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.92 / 00:27.00
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:21.58 / 00:48.59
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.71 / 00:52.30
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.33 / 01:00.63
30 Jude Polidori 9U Male 8 01:00.77 8
Jude Polidori is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 163955
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.72 / 00:04.72
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.84 / 00:06.56
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.64 / 00:18.20
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.93 / 00:22.13
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.67 / 00:24.80
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:25.52 / 00:50.32
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.22 / 00:52.54
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.23 / 01:00.77
31 Parker Sauer 11U Male 8 01:01.52 8
Parker Sauer is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174390
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.60 / 00:02.60
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:07.12 / 00:09.72
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:13.72 / 00:23.44
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.67 / 00:28.11
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:07.07 / 00:35.18
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:15.85 / 00:51.03
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:01.91 / 00:52.94
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.58 / 01:01.52
32 Emma Engl 7U Female 8 01:01.55 8
Emma Engl is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174496
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.92 / 00:03.92
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.25 / 00:06.17
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:20.18 / 00:26.35
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.86 / 00:32.21
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.87 / 00:34.08
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.78 / 00:47.86
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:05.38 / 00:53.24
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.31 / 01:01.55
33 Gabrielle Licata 7U Female 8 01:02.39 8
Gabrielle Licata is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161397
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.46 / 00:04.46
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.62 / 00:07.08
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:22.86 / 00:29.94
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.78 / 00:34.72
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.66 / 00:36.37
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.44 / 00:49.82
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.63 / 00:54.44
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.95 / 01:02.39
34 Emma Capozzi 7U Female 8 01:02.95 8
Emma Capozzi is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162466
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.08 / 00:04.08
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.94 / 00:07.02
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:19.56 / 00:26.57
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:07.14 / 00:33.72
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:15.68 / 00:49.40
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:05.79 / 00:55.19
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:07.76 / 01:02.95
35 Kyle Voorheis Adult Male 8 01:04.14 8
Kyle Voorheis is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 150462
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:05.64 / 00:05.64
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:14.17 / 00:19.81
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:05.23 / 00:25.04
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:07.10 / 00:32.14
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:20.54 / 00:52.69
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:04.19 / 00:56.87
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:07.26 / 01:04.14
36 Avary Baumgart 9U Female 8 01:04.65 8
Avary Baumgart is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 170166
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:05.31 / 00:05.31
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.28 / 00:07.59
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:17.79 / 00:25.38
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.72 / 00:30.10
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.30 / 00:33.40
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.38 / 00:46.78
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.92 / 00:53.70
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:10.95 / 01:04.65
37 Abigail Nackley 11U Female 8 01:04.82 8
Abigail Nackley is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 151990
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.72 / 00:02.72
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.66 / 00:09.38
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:13.68 / 00:23.06
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.96 / 00:28.03
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:06.78 / 00:34.81
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:19.47 / 00:54.28
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.03 / 00:57.31
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.50 / 01:04.82
38 Kennedy Stach 11U Female 8 01:06.37 8
Kennedy Stach is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161239
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.43 / 00:03.43
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.61 / 00:10.04
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:10.82 / 00:20.86
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.39 / 00:25.26
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:07.32 / 00:32.57
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:22.23 / 00:54.81
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.02 / 00:58.82
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.55 / 01:06.37
39 Joziah Bermingham 7U Male 8 01:07.88 8
Joziah Bermingham is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 169173
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.95 / 00:04.95
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.11 / 00:08.06
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:19.79 / 00:27.85
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:07.02 / 00:34.87
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.97 / 00:36.84
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:18.66 / 00:55.49
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.41 / 00:58.90
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.99 / 01:07.88
40 Jackson Marshall 11U Male 8 01:08.40 8
Jackson Marshall is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 124800
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.53 / 00:02.53
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.28 / 00:08.80
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:10.32 / 00:19.12
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.43 / 00:23.55
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:09.04 / 00:32.59
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:18.25 / 00:50.84
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.29 / 00:54.13
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:14.27 / 01:08.40
41 Noelle Gerrity 7U Female 8 01:08.56 8
Noelle Gerrity is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 172293
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.45 / 00:04.45
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.09 / 00:06.54
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:25.92 / 00:32.46
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:07.02 / 00:39.48
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.06 / 00:41.54
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.64 / 00:55.17
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.85 / 01:00.02
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.55 / 01:08.56
42 Rya Morris 11U Female 8 01:09.03 8
Rya Morris is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 169721
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.46 / 00:03.46
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.50 / 00:06.96
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.61 / 00:18.57
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.25 / 00:23.82
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:07.56 / 00:31.38
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:15.27 / 00:46.65
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:05.05 / 00:51.70
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:17.33 / 01:09.03
43 Zoe Lo Piccolo 7U Female 8 01:09.39 8
Zoe Lo Piccolo is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 172664
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:05.40 / 00:05.40
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.00 / 00:07.40
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:24.04 / 00:31.44
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.82 / 00:37.25
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.33 / 00:39.58
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:15.01 / 00:54.59
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.18 / 01:00.77
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.62 / 01:09.39
44 Kendall Warner 9U Female 8 01:09.75 8
Kendall Warner is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 188230
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.66 / 00:04.66
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.43 / 00:07.09
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:16.73 / 00:23.82
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.55 / 00:27.37
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.55 / 00:29.92
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:27.83 / 00:57.75
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.05 / 01:00.80
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.95 / 01:09.75
45 Mason Moshetti 7U Male 8 01:15.14 8
Mason Moshetti is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 188540
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.61 / 00:04.61
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:01.74 / 00:06.36
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:31.60 / 00:37.96
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.57 / 00:43.53
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.58 / 00:45.12
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:18.58 / 01:03.69
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.85 / 01:07.54
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.60 / 01:15.14
46 Avery Camara 7U Female 8 01:18.00 8
Avery Camara is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161820
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.68 / 00:04.68
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.23 / 00:10.91
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:18.07 / 00:28.98
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.16 / 00:35.14
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.30 / 00:37.44
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:17.41 / 00:54.85
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:05.26 / 01:00.11
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:17.88 / 01:18.00
47 Ryan Kobasa 11U Male 7 00:47.77 7
Ryan Kobasa is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 157639
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.04 / 00:03.04
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.76 / 00:05.80
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.59 / 00:18.39
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.65 / 00:23.04
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:08.14 / 00:31.18
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:14.42 / 00:45.60
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.17 / 00:47.77
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0 00:18.19 / 01:05.96
48 Emmett Addario 9U Male 7 00:49.98 7
Emmett Addario is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 173382
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.67 / 00:03.67
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.38 / 00:06.05
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.36 / 00:17.41
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.07 / 00:22.48
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.89 / 00:25.37
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.94 / 00:39.30
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:10.67 / 00:49.98
49 Nadia Fanning 11U Female 7 00:52.27 7
Nadia Fanning is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 150735
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.19 / 00:03.19
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.56 / 00:09.74
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:09.88 / 00:19.62
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.44 / 00:25.06
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:04.85 / 00:29.91
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:17.64 / 00:47.55
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.72 / 00:52.27
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
50 Morgan Cooper 11U Female 7 00:57.95 7
Morgan Cooper is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161378
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.38 / 00:03.38
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:07.33 / 00:10.71
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:14.91 / 00:25.62
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.60 / 00:30.22
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:06.68 / 00:36.90
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:16.10 / 00:53.00
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.94 / 00:57.95
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
51 Sloan Arcuri 7U Female 7 00:59.28 7
Sloan Arcuri is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 190194
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.49 / 00:03.49
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.06 / 00:05.56
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:16.40 / 00:21.96
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.46 / 00:28.42
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.28 / 00:30.70
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:14.00 / 00:44.69
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.97 / 00:48.66
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:10.62 / 00:59.28
52 Giovanni Mansfield 7U Male 7 01:01.14 7
Giovanni Mansfield is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 169486
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:07.14 / 00:07.14
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.39 / 00:09.53
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:16.49 / 00:26.02
Dragon tail - FAIL 0 00:05.05 / 00:31.07
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.94 / 00:35.01
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.53 / 00:48.54
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.85 / 00:53.40
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.74 / 01:01.14
53 Skylar Smith 9U Female 7 01:02.66 7
Skylar Smith is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 151579
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.20 / 00:04.20
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.01 / 00:06.20
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:18.26 / 00:24.46
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.12 / 00:30.59
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.40 / 00:32.98
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:11.12 / 00:44.11
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:08.10 / 00:52.21
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:10.45 / 01:02.66
54 Shelby West 11U Female 7 01:02.68 7
Shelby West is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 156951
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.38 / 00:03.38
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.86 / 00:07.23
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:11.15 / 00:18.38
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.42 / 00:23.80
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:07.24 / 00:31.04
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:28.98 / 01:00.02
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.67 / 01:02.68
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
55 Cara Zombick 11U Female 7 01:02.83 7
Cara Zombick is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 156094
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.35 / 00:03.35
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.06 / 00:05.42
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:13.15 / 00:18.56
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.93 / 00:22.49
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:06.90 / 00:29.39
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:16.75 / 00:46.14
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.22 / 00:50.36
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:12.47 / 01:02.83
56 Jax Simons 11U Male 7 01:07.85 7
Jax Simons is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 156950
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.38 / 00:03.38
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.70 / 00:10.08
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:15.07 / 00:25.15
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.50 / 00:28.65
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:15.38 / 00:44.03
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:13.86 / 00:57.89
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:02.49 / 01:00.38
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:07.47 / 01:07.85
57 Jon Haverly Masters Male 7 01:08.42 7
Jon Haverly is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 167508
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.78 / 00:02.78
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.33 / 00:05.12
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:09.59 / 00:14.71
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:08.20 / 00:22.90
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:11.72 / 00:34.62
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:14.41 / 00:49.02
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:09.18 / 00:58.21
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:10.21 / 01:08.42
58 Ariadne Salay 9U Female 7 01:13.68 7
Ariadne Salay is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 181515
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.47 / 00:04.47
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.66 / 00:07.13
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:14.36 / 00:21.49
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.12 / 00:26.61
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.73 / 00:30.34
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:25.72 / 00:56.06
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:07.13 / 01:03.19
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:10.48 / 01:13.68
59 Jack Hoffman 7U Male 7 01:15.53 7
Jack Hoffman is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 170258
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:07.05 / 00:07.05
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.02 / 00:10.06
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:17.57 / 00:27.64
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:13.04 / 00:40.67
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:19.59 / 01:00.27
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:06.40 / 01:06.67
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.37 / 01:13.03
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:02.50 / 01:15.53
60 Morgan Cushman 11U Female 6 00:59.58 6
Morgan Cushman is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 176461
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.82 / 00:02.82
Sliding through the weekend - FAIL 0 00:03.13 / 00:05.95
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:16.69 / 00:22.64
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:03.69 / 00:26.33
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:10.26 / 00:36.59
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:18.77 / 00:55.37
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.21 / 00:59.58
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
61 Ethan Karla 7U Male 6 01:07.54 6
Ethan Karla is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 190265
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.17 / 00:04.17
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.71 / 00:07.87
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:26.62 / 00:34.49
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:07.91 / 00:42.40
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.36 / 00:44.76
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:17.86 / 01:02.62
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.92 / 01:07.54
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
62 Michael Nackley Adult Male 6 01:07.91 6
Michael Nackley is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 188427
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.25 / 00:03.25
Sliding through the weekend - FAIL 0 00:03.82 / 00:07.07
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:17.00 / 00:24.07
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.49 / 00:30.56
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:06.11 / 00:36.67
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:14.55 / 00:51.22
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:07.93 / 00:59.16
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.75 / 01:07.91
63 Aiden Barthelmas 11U Male 6 01:08.57 6
Aiden Barthelmas is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174474
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.83 / 00:02.83
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:06.68 / 00:09.51
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:30.91 / 00:40.42
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.32 / 00:45.74
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:07.82 / 00:53.56
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:10.56 / 01:04.11
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.46 / 01:08.57
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
64 Brayton Murtaugh 9U Male 6 01:08.92 6
Brayton Murtaugh is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189493
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.97 / 00:03.97
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.02 / 00:06.99
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:19.86 / 00:26.85
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:07.67 / 00:34.52
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.23 / 00:37.75
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:12.99 / 00:50.74
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.46 / 00:57.20
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:11.72 / 01:08.92
65 Blakelyn Smith 7U Female 6 01:25.87 6
Blakelyn Smith is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 178758
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:06.69 / 00:06.69
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.30 / 00:09.99
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:41.24 / 00:51.22
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:09.54 / 01:00.77
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:00.88 / 01:01.65
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:13.76 / 01:15.41
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:10.46 / 01:25.87
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
66 Cameron Charles 9U Male 5 00:42.56 5
Cameron Charles is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 188979
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:05.76 / 00:05.76
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.23 / 00:09.00
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:06.96 / 00:15.95
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:09.48 / 00:25.43
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:02.62 / 00:28.05
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:06.79 / 00:34.84
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:07.72 / 00:42.56
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
67 Noah Parker 11U Male 5 00:50.80 5
Noah Parker is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 151790
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.88 / 00:02.88
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.08 / 00:05.96
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:14.90 / 00:20.86
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:05.01 / 00:25.87
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:05.84 / 00:31.71
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:19.08 / 00:50.80
P V see you later - FAIL 0 00:02.36 / 00:53.15
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
68 Tim Mansfield Adult Male 5 00:55.64 5
Tim Mansfield is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 171405
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.35 / 00:03.35
Sliding through the weekend - FAIL 0 00:03.77 / 00:07.12
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:13.75 / 00:20.87
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.47 / 00:27.34
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:07.23 / 00:34.57
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:06.13 / 00:40.71
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.55 / 00:47.26
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:08.39 / 00:55.64
69 Dylyn Huntley 9U Male 5 00:58.85 5
Dylyn Huntley is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 188980
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:06.62 / 00:06.62
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.16 / 00:09.77
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:11.69 / 00:21.46
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:09.93 / 00:31.39
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:06.53 / 00:37.92
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:06.93 / 00:44.86
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:13.99 / 00:58.85
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
70 Kamille Reese 9U Female 5 00:59.27 5
Kamille Reese is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 166407
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.04 / 00:04.04
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.11 / 00:07.16
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:19.80 / 00:26.96
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:04.68 / 00:31.64
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:04.44 / 00:36.08
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:16.61 / 00:52.68
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.59 / 00:59.27
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
71 Derek Berg 13U Male 5 01:02.04 5
Derek Berg is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 190255
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.18 / 00:03.18
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:02.51 / 00:05.70
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:21.52 / 00:27.22
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.37 / 00:33.59
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:04.75 / 00:38.33
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:16.84 / 00:55.17
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:06.87 / 01:02.04
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
72 Julian LaBarbera 9U Male 5 01:03.37 5
Julian LaBarbera is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189268
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:09.08 / 00:09.08
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:22.31 / 00:31.40
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:03.40 / 00:34.80
Dragon tail - FAIL 0 00:03.58 / 00:38.37
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:09.34 / 00:47.72
Max launchers - COMPLETE 1 00:05.69 / 00:53.41
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:09.96 / 01:03.37
73 Brooke Marion Fitzgerald 11U Female 5 01:04.32 5
Brooke Marion Fitzgerald is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 188242
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.53 / 00:02.53
Sliding through the weekend - FAIL 0 00:04.40 / 00:06.93
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:23.76 / 00:30.69
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:14.80 / 00:45.49
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.04 / 00:48.53
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:10.94 / 00:59.48
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:04.85 / 01:04.32
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
74 Dave Kozak Masters Male 5 01:07.96 5
Dave Kozak is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 138778
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:02.78 / 00:02.78
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:03.63 / 00:06.42
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:12.86 / 00:19.27
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:10.05 / 00:29.32
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:14.99 / 00:44.32
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:11.51 / 00:55.83
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:12.13 / 01:07.96
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
75 Alexandria Schoen 7U Female 4 00:52.55 4
Alexandria Schoen is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189482
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:05.69 / 00:05.69
Sliding through the weekend - COMPLETE 1 00:08.56 / 00:14.26
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:24.64 / 00:38.89
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:10.59 / 00:49.49
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:03.06 / 00:52.55
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:13.63 / 01:06.17
P V see you later - FAIL 0 00:08.92 / 01:15.09
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0
76 Payton Perrone 11U Female 4 01:09.24 4
Payton Perrone is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189498
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:03.22 / 00:03.22
Sliding through the weekend - FAIL 0 00:04.17 / 00:07.39
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:17.20 / 00:24.60
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:06.49 / 00:31.08
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:04.02 / 00:35.11
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:16.67 / 00:51.78
P V see you later - COMPLETE 1 00:03.70 / 00:55.48
Wall that is warped - COMPLETE 1 00:13.76 / 01:09.24
77 Ellie Hoffman 11U Female 3 00:47.14 3
Ellie Hoffman is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 170257
I GOT IT - COMPLETE 1 00:04.87 / 00:04.87
Sliding through the weekend - FAIL 0 00:03.40 / 00:08.27
Monkey business - COMPLETE 1 00:31.70 / 00:39.96
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:07.18 / 00:47.14
Spider specs - FAIL 0 00:04.12 / 00:51.27
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:21.02 / 01:12.29
P V see you later - FAIL 0
78 Liam Kelsey 7U Male 2 00:38.93 2
Liam Kelsey is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189228
I GOT IT - FAIL 0 00:05.96 / 00:05.96
Sliding through the weekend - FAIL 0 00:02.98 / 00:08.94
Monkey business - FAIL 0 00:17.94 / 00:26.87
Dragon tail - COMPLETE 1 00:10.29 / 00:37.17
Spider specs - COMPLETE 1 00:01.77 / 00:38.93
Max launchers - FAIL 0 00:27.04 / 01:05.98
P V see you later - FAIL 0 00:04.26 / 01:10.24
Wall that is warped - FAIL 0