# First Name Last Name Obstacles Time League
1 Zach Fishman 8 00:38.10 8
Zach Fishman is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 147516
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.59 / 00:01.59
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:03.02 / 00:04.61
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.17 / 00:06.78
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:04.88 / 00:11.66
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:08.83 / 00:20.49
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.10 / 00:23.59
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:14.51 / 00:38.10
2 Daniel Woods 8 00:38.62 8
Daniel Woods is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 131541
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.16 / 00:01.16
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:03.78 / 00:04.94
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.23 / 00:06.17
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.97 / 00:12.14
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:07.03 / 00:19.17
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:01.32 / 00:20.50
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:10.12 / 00:30.62
3 Jacob Rosell 8 00:41.38 8
Jacob Rosell is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 147517
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.54 / 00:01.54
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.58 / 00:06.12
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:07.31 / 00:13.43
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:03.44 / 00:16.87
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:06.38 / 00:23.24
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.75 / 00:25.99
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:09.91 / 00:35.90
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:05.48 / 00:41.38
4 Nicholas Donohue 8 00:53.28 8
Nicholas Donohue is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 131382
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.45 / 00:01.45
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:03.70 / 00:05.14
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.93 / 00:07.07
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:07.82 / 00:14.89
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:13.75 / 00:28.64
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.66 / 00:31.30
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:15.18 / 00:46.48
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:06.80 / 00:53.28
5 Alexander Turgeon 8 00:54.15 8
Alexander Turgeon is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 182634
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.86 / 00:01.86
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.76 / 00:06.62
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:00.74 / 00:07.36
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:07.17 / 00:14.53
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:11.47 / 00:26.01
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:04.37 / 00:30.38
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:17.00 / 00:47.38
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:06.77 / 00:54.15
6 Luke Tierney 8 00:54.85 8
Luke Tierney is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 135904
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:03.21 / 00:03.21
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:03.83 / 00:07.04
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:06.30 / 00:13.33
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.85 / 00:19.18
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:15.39 / 00:34.57
Run Across Dos - FAIL 0 00:02.23 / 00:36.80
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:12.39 / 00:49.19
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:05.66 / 00:54.85
7 Koen Poulter 8 00:58.60 8
Koen Poulter is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 154037
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.83 / 00:01.83
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.41 / 00:06.24
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.89 / 00:08.13
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:06.85 / 00:14.97
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:12.90 / 00:27.88
Run Across Dos - FAIL 0 00:05.28 / 00:33.16
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:20.19 / 00:53.35
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:05.25 / 00:58.60
8 Brady Marks 8 00:59.96 8
Brady Marks is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 137544
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.81 / 00:01.81
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.13 / 00:05.95
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.34 / 00:08.29
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:08.15 / 00:16.44
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:15.08 / 00:31.52
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.59 / 00:34.11
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:18.19 / 00:52.30
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:07.66 / 00:59.96
Obstacle 9 - FAIL 0
9 Eliot Vinovrski 7 00:38.99 7
Eliot Vinovrski is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 137614
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.94 / 00:01.94
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:03.11 / 00:05.05
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.80 / 00:06.85
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.47 / 00:12.32
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:08.21 / 00:20.53
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:11.89 / 00:32.43
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:06.56 / 00:38.99
10 Lucas Shahnamian 7 00:45.23 7
Lucas Shahnamian is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 141286
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.38 / 00:01.38
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:03.87 / 00:05.25
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.76 / 00:07.00
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.30 / 00:12.30
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:08.46 / 00:20.76
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:08.19 / 00:28.96
Go Up then Down - FAIL 0 00:07.79 / 00:36.74
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:08.49 / 00:45.23
11 Griffin Wodzinski 7 00:46.76 7
Griffin Wodzinski is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 176516
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.60 / 00:01.60
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:05.39 / 00:06.99
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:07.66 / 00:14.64
Hang and Swing - FAIL 0 00:05.71 / 00:20.36
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:04.38 / 00:24.74
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:15.50 / 00:40.24
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:06.52 / 00:46.76
12 Luke DeSantis 7 00:56.06 7
Luke DeSantis is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 137557
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.35 / 00:01.35
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.97 / 00:06.32
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:03.56 / 00:09.88
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:20.52 / 00:30.40
Throw and Throw - FAIL 0 00:04.96 / 00:35.36
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:13.96 / 00:49.32
Go Up then Down - COMPLETE 1 00:06.74 / 00:56.06
13 Zendon Donoho 5 00:32.76 5
Zendon Donoho is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 169679
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:02.42 / 00:02.42
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:03.46 / 00:05.87
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:03.42 / 00:09.29
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:06.10 / 00:15.38
Throw and Throw - FAIL 0 00:07.55 / 00:22.94
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:09.82 / 00:32.76
Go Up then Down - FAIL 0
14 Finn Oconnor 5 00:39.08 5
Finn Oconnor is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 136971
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.49 / 00:01.49
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.90 / 00:06.39
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.61 / 00:08.00
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:18.07 / 00:26.07
Throw and Throw - FAIL 0 00:09.51 / 00:35.58
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.50 / 00:39.08
Go Up then Down - FAIL 0