# First Name Last Name Obstacles Time League
1 Gabrielle Licata 12 02:27.96 12
Gabrielle Licata is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161397
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:08.21 / 00:08.21
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:10.94 / 00:19.15
PV-Ski - COMPLETE 1 00:09.10 / 00:28.24
Max Bird houses - COMPLETE 1 00:16.69 / 00:44.93
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:09.70 / 00:54.63
Walk the line - COMPLETE 1 00:28.15 / 01:22.78
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:13.57 / 01:36.35
Let’s get fidgety - COMPLETE 1 00:10.85 / 01:47.20
Ape Mail - COMPLETE 1 00:11.55 / 01:58.75
Jump rope - COMPLETE 1 00:04.67 / 02:03.41
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:17.47 / 02:20.89
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:07.08 / 02:27.96
2 Noelle Gerrity 12 02:58.24 12
Noelle Gerrity is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 172293
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:08.15 / 00:08.15
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:14.58 / 00:22.74
PV-Ski - COMPLETE 1 00:11.49 / 00:34.22
Max Bird houses - COMPLETE 1 00:20.14 / 00:54.37
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:12.49 / 01:06.86
Walk the line - COMPLETE 1 00:23.98 / 01:30.84
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:15.08 / 01:45.92
Let’s get fidgety - COMPLETE 1 00:14.34 / 02:00.25
Ape Mail - COMPLETE 1 00:18.08 / 02:18.33
Jump rope - COMPLETE 1 00:13.76 / 02:32.09
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:17.44 / 02:49.53
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:08.71 / 02:58.24
3 Avery Camara 12 03:08.52 12
Avery Camara is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161820
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:09.22 / 00:09.22
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:15.68 / 00:24.90
PV-Ski - COMPLETE 1 00:08.28 / 00:33.18
Max Bird houses - COMPLETE 1 00:27.67 / 01:00.84
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:12.44 / 01:13.28
Walk the line - COMPLETE 1 00:20.83 / 01:34.12
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:27.33 / 02:01.44
Let’s get fidgety - COMPLETE 1 00:14.93 / 02:16.38
Ape Mail - COMPLETE 1 00:16.38 / 02:32.76
Jump rope - COMPLETE 1 00:05.74 / 02:38.50
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:19.70 / 02:58.20
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:10.31 / 03:08.52
4 Emma Engl 12 03:23.78 12
Emma Engl is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174496
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:16.29 / 00:16.29
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:18.74 / 00:35.03
PV-Ski - COMPLETE 1 00:11.95 / 00:46.99
Max Bird houses - COMPLETE 1 00:18.28 / 01:05.27
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:14.11 / 01:19.38
Walk the line - COMPLETE 1 00:31.64 / 01:51.02
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:19.95 / 02:10.97
Let’s get fidgety - COMPLETE 1 00:11.35 / 02:22.32
Ape Mail - COMPLETE 1 00:22.34 / 02:44.67
Jump rope - COMPLETE 1 00:07.78 / 02:52.45
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:15.26 / 03:07.70
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:16.07 / 03:23.78
5 Annika Koehn 11 02:23.27 11
Annika Koehn is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174035
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:08.26 / 00:08.26
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:10.31 / 00:18.57
PV-Ski - COMPLETE 1 00:06.59 / 00:25.15
Max Bird houses - COMPLETE 1 00:12.05 / 00:37.20
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:12.19 / 00:49.39
Walk the line - COMPLETE 1 00:17.98 / 01:07.37
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:15.84 / 01:23.21
Let’s get fidgety - COMPLETE 1 00:10.50 / 01:33.71
Ape Mail - COMPLETE 1 00:20.68 / 01:54.39
Jump rope - FAIL 0 00:05.45 / 01:59.84
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:15.87 / 02:15.71
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:07.56 / 02:23.27
6 Emma Capozzi 11 02:41.23 11
Emma Capozzi is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162466
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:07.48 / 00:07.48
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:13.64 / 00:21.12
PV-Ski - COMPLETE 1 00:07.20 / 00:28.32
Max Bird houses - COMPLETE 1 00:12.01 / 00:40.33
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:26.06 / 01:06.39
Walk the line - FAIL 0 00:13.26 / 01:19.65
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:16.92 / 01:36.57
Let’s get fidgety - COMPLETE 1 00:13.57 / 01:50.14
Ape Mail - COMPLETE 1 00:15.45 / 02:05.59
Jump rope - COMPLETE 1 00:09.82 / 02:15.41
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:17.13 / 02:32.54
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:08.69 / 02:41.23
7 Zoe Lo Piccolo 10 02:12.91 10
Zoe Lo Piccolo is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 172664
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:08.04 / 00:08.04
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:11.81 / 00:19.85
PV-Ski - FAIL 0 00:03.18 / 00:23.02
Max Bird houses - COMPLETE 1 00:13.77 / 00:36.79
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:12.68 / 00:49.47
Walk the line - FAIL 0 00:15.52 / 01:04.99
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:13.45 / 01:18.44
Let’s get fidgety - COMPLETE 1 00:09.00 / 01:27.44
Ape Mail - COMPLETE 1 00:11.75 / 01:39.19
Jump rope - COMPLETE 1 00:05.02 / 01:44.21
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:17.47 / 02:01.68
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:11.23 / 02:12.91
8 Sloan Arcuri 6 02:48.13 6
Sloan Arcuri is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 190194
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:06.74 / 00:06.74
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:11.07 / 00:17.81
PV-Ski - FAIL 0 00:00.60 / 00:18.41
Max Bird houses - FAIL 0 00:13.78 / 00:32.19
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:20.10 / 00:52.30
Walk the line - FAIL 0 00:15.07 / 01:07.36
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:25.62 / 01:32.98
Let’s get fidgety - FAIL 0 00:15.67 / 01:48.65
Ape Mail - FAIL 0 00:24.97 / 02:13.62
Jump rope - FAIL 0 00:03.16 / 02:16.78
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:22.16 / 02:38.94
Bogus Bosu - COMPLETE 1 00:09.18 / 02:48.13
9 Lila Steffen 5 03:47.78 5
Lila Steffen is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189808
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:07.59 / 00:07.59
BAR 2 bar - FAIL 0 00:24.58 / 00:32.17
PV-Ski - FAIL 0 00:01.20 / 00:33.37
Max Bird houses - FAIL 0 00:40.87 / 01:14.24
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:32.64 / 01:46.87
Walk the line - COMPLETE 1 00:23.52 / 02:10.40
Trifecta - COMPLETE 1 00:55.56 / 03:05.96
Let’s get fidgety - FAIL 0 00:07.75 / 03:13.70
Ape Mail - FAIL 0 00:22.42 / 03:36.12
Jump rope - COMPLETE 1 00:11.66 / 03:47.78
Kevin’s peak - FAIL 0
10 Sophie Piccola 4 03:12.42 4
Sophie Piccola is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 190251
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:08.62 / 00:08.62
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:23.68 / 00:32.30
PV-Ski - COMPLETE 1 00:05.01 / 00:37.32
Max Bird houses - FAIL 0 00:10.10 / 00:47.41
Olympia - FAIL 0 00:14.89 / 01:02.30
Walk the line - FAIL 0 00:08.11 / 01:10.41
Trifecta - FAIL 0 00:22.58 / 01:33.00
Let’s get fidgety - FAIL 0 00:12.64 / 01:45.63
Ape Mail - FAIL 0 00:12.79 / 01:58.43
Jump rope - FAIL 0 00:07.86 / 02:06.28
Kevin’s peak - FAIL 0 00:48.07 / 02:54.35
Bogus Bosu - FAIL 0 00:13.70 / 03:08.05
Obstacle 13 - COMPLETE 1 00:04.37 / 03:12.42
11 Alexandria Schoen 4 03:17.98 4
Alexandria Schoen is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189482
Ascending steps - COMPLETE 1 00:10.23 / 00:10.23
BAR 2 bar - COMPLETE 1 00:18.64 / 00:28.87
PV-Ski - FAIL 0 00:00.61 / 00:29.48
Max Bird houses - FAIL 0 00:20.97 / 00:50.45
Olympia - COMPLETE 1 00:23.15 / 01:13.60
Walk the line - FAIL 0 00:08.02 / 01:21.62
Trifecta - FAIL 0 00:33.56 / 01:55.18
Let’s get fidgety - FAIL 0 00:17.92 / 02:13.10
Ape Mail - FAIL 0 00:22.47 / 02:35.56
Jump rope - FAIL 0 00:07.46 / 02:43.03
Kevin’s peak - COMPLETE 1 00:34.96 / 03:17.98
Bogus Bosu - FAIL 0 00:10.48 / 03:28.46