# First Name Last Name Obstacles Time League
1 Lucy Fishman 8 00:29.44 8
Lucy Fishman is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 141446
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:05.68 / 00:05.68
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:00.51 / 00:06.19
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.69 / 00:07.87
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.46 / 00:13.34
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:04.20 / 00:17.53
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.53 / 00:20.06
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:01.93 / 00:22.00
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:07.45 / 00:29.44
2 Vivienne Serafini 8 00:30.64 8
Vivienne Serafini is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 154852
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:02.92 / 00:02.92
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:02.39 / 00:05.32
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.80 / 00:08.12
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:03.80 / 00:11.92
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:05.54 / 00:17.45
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.50 / 00:19.95
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:02.10 / 00:22.05
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:08.58 / 00:30.64
3 Caitlin Maass 8 00:32.88 8
Caitlin Maass is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162167
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.84 / 00:01.84
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.39 / 00:06.23
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.69 / 00:08.92
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:04.29 / 00:13.21
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:07.28 / 00:20.49
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.14 / 00:23.63
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:01.65 / 00:25.28
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:07.60 / 00:32.88
4 Aria Capozzi 8 00:36.03 8
Aria Capozzi is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162454
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.69 / 00:01.69
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.56 / 00:06.25
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.82 / 00:09.07
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:06.61 / 00:15.68
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:08.50 / 00:24.18
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.35 / 00:26.52
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:02.46 / 00:28.99
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:07.04 / 00:36.03
5 Cayleigh Hanlon 8 00:36.62 8
Cayleigh Hanlon is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 175553
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.06 / 00:01.06
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:05.86 / 00:06.91
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.89 / 00:08.80
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:03.66 / 00:12.46
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:10.51 / 00:22.97
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.02 / 00:26.00
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:02.74 / 00:28.74
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:07.88 / 00:36.62
6 Kamryn Flannery 8 00:37.62 8
Kamryn Flannery is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161816
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:02.12 / 00:02.12
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:05.14 / 00:07.25
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:03.90 / 00:11.16
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.60 / 00:16.76
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:13.52 / 00:30.28
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.38 / 00:33.65
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:03.07 / 00:36.72
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:07.94 / 00:44.67
7 Max Angle 8 00:38.90 8
Max Angle is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 181973
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:05.68 / 00:05.68
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:00.50 / 00:06.18
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:03.04 / 00:09.22
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:06.06 / 00:15.28
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:10.12 / 00:25.40
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:04.66 / 00:30.06
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:00.42 / 00:30.48
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:08.41 / 00:38.90
8 Julia Rooney 8 00:39.12 8
Julia Rooney is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162437
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.85 / 00:01.85
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.81 / 00:06.66
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:01.91 / 00:08.57
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:06.78 / 00:15.35
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:09.25 / 00:24.60
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.52 / 00:27.12
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:02.40 / 00:29.52
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:09.60 / 00:39.12
9 Elle Beaulieu 8 00:40.78 8
Elle Beaulieu is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 176557
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:00.94 / 00:00.94
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:06.33 / 00:07.28
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.74 / 00:10.01
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.34 / 00:15.35
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:11.09 / 00:26.44
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.18 / 00:29.62
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:02.37 / 00:31.99
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:08.79 / 00:40.78
10 Alexis Bruce 8 00:48.40 8
Alexis Bruce is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189214
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.86 / 00:01.86
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:04.83 / 00:06.68
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:03.57 / 00:10.25
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:07.65 / 00:17.90
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:17.08 / 00:34.99
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:02.95 / 00:37.94
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:02.50 / 00:40.44
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:07.96 / 00:48.40
11 Charlee Donoho 8 00:56.31 8
Charlee Donoho is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 170922
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:01.79 / 00:01.79
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:05.80 / 00:07.58
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.67 / 00:10.25
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:05.21 / 00:15.46
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:22.22 / 00:37.68
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.65 / 00:41.33
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:03.40 / 00:44.73
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:11.58 / 00:56.31
12 Anabel Fitzgerald 8 00:56.47 8
Anabel Fitzgerald is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 189223
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:08.41 / 00:08.41
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:02.45 / 00:10.86
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:02.64 / 00:13.51
Hang and Swing - COMPLETE 1 00:11.39 / 00:24.90
Throw and Throw - COMPLETE 1 00:12.91 / 00:37.81
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:03.89 / 00:41.70
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:06.10 / 00:47.80
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:08.66 / 00:56.47
13 Anika Spaur 6 01:09.31 6
Anika Spaur is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 188241
Run the Curve - COMPLETE 1 00:03.55 / 00:03.55
Slide down - COMPLETE 1 00:09.50 / 00:13.05
Run Across - COMPLETE 1 00:05.69 / 00:18.74
Hang and Swing - FAIL 0 00:11.88 / 00:30.62
Throw and Throw - FAIL 0 00:16.43 / 00:47.04
Run Across Dos - COMPLETE 1 00:05.55 / 00:52.59
Swing Far - COMPLETE 1 00:04.39 / 00:56.98
...do you have the time? - COMPLETE 1 00:12.33 / 01:09.31