# First Name Last Name Obstacles Time League
1 Easton Kolek 12 02:28.68 12
Easton Kolek is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 155752
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:12.54 / 00:12.54
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:16.97 / 00:29.52
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:18.48 / 00:48.00
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:12.69 / 01:00.69
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:12.83 / 01:13.52
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:12.12 / 01:25.64
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:07.87 / 01:33.51
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:12.88 / 01:46.39
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:13.12 / 01:59.51
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:08.07 / 02:07.58
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:08.11 / 02:15.70
Alex's Hair - FINISH 1 00:12.98 / 02:28.68
2 Connor Ibowicz 12 02:54.02 12
Connor Ibowicz is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 140950
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:13.88 / 00:13.88
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:20.82 / 00:34.70
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:21.37 / 00:56.07
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:16.21 / 01:12.28
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:15.15 / 01:27.44
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:17.26 / 01:44.70
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:09.56 / 01:54.25
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:14.03 / 02:08.28
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:11.64 / 02:19.92
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:08.49 / 02:28.41
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:14.10 / 02:42.52
Alex's Hair - FINISH 1 00:11.51 / 02:54.02
3 Brian Ziegler 12 03:06.35 12
Brian Ziegler is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 171305
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:16.29 / 00:16.29
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:18.35 / 00:34.64
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:26.54 / 01:01.18
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:14.34 / 01:15.52
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:14.41 / 01:29.93
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:24.27 / 01:54.20
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:06.89 / 02:01.09
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:14.98 / 02:16.06
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:15.02 / 02:31.08
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:12.59 / 02:43.67
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:13.58 / 02:57.24
Alex's Hair - FINISH 1 00:09.11 / 03:06.35
4 Joshua Nowak 12 03:35.82 12
Joshua Nowak is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 168682
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:17.61 / 00:17.61
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:27.62 / 00:45.23
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:24.17 / 01:09.40
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:17.25 / 01:26.65
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:18.46 / 01:45.10
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:22.68 / 02:07.79
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:11.44 / 02:19.22
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:15.41 / 02:34.63
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:16.62 / 02:51.26
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:11.46 / 03:02.72
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:19.27 / 03:21.99
Alex's Hair - FINISH 1 00:13.82 / 03:35.82
5 Gibson Mansfield 12 03:53.46 12
Gibson Mansfield is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 169485
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:14.95 / 00:14.95
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:25.08 / 00:40.03
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:27.65 / 01:07.68
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:19.45 / 01:27.13
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:16.81 / 01:43.94
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:35.24 / 02:19.18
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:13.55 / 02:32.73
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:21.78 / 02:54.50
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:20.06 / 03:14.56
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:07.74 / 03:22.30
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:17.12 / 03:39.42
Alex's Hair - FINISH 1 00:14.04 / 03:53.46
6 William Gamble 12 04:01.85 12
William Gamble is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 162469
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:24.05 / 00:24.05
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:28.23 / 00:52.28
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:31.87 / 01:24.16
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:21.97 / 01:46.12
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:20.09 / 02:06.21
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:20.67 / 02:26.88
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:15.38 / 02:42.27
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:16.74 / 02:59.01
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:14.87 / 03:13.88
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:10.97 / 03:24.85
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:20.95 / 03:45.80
Alex's Hair - FINISH 1 00:16.05 / 04:01.85
7 Jack Gyle 12 04:15.98 12
Jack Gyle is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161119
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:18.82 / 00:18.82
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:25.70 / 00:44.52
Reverse Traverse - FAIL 0 00:33.14 / 01:17.66
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:03.90 / 01:21.56
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:14.58 / 01:36.15
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:21.36 / 01:57.50
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:37.06 / 02:34.56
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:15.15 / 02:49.71
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:19.08 / 03:08.80
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:15.63 / 03:24.43
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:14.00 / 03:38.42
Alex's Hair - COMPLETE 1 00:18.05 / 03:56.48
Obstacle 13 - FINISH 1 00:19.50 / 04:15.98
8 Benjamin Klarin 10 03:29.07 10
Benjamin Klarin is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 164007
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:19.78 / 00:19.78
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:25.00 / 00:44.78
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:26.34 / 01:11.12
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:17.57 / 01:28.69
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:17.60 / 01:46.29
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:25.87 / 02:12.16
Fright Night - FAIL 0 00:12.19 / 02:24.35
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:17.86 / 02:42.21
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:14.93 / 02:57.14
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:08.36 / 03:05.50
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:23.57 / 03:29.07
Alex's Hair - FAIL 0 00:11.81 / 03:40.89
9 Mason Monin 9 03:39.04 9
Mason Monin is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 172693
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:18.36 / 00:18.36
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:26.35 / 00:44.71
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:27.20 / 01:11.91
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:18.47 / 01:30.38
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:12.28 / 01:42.66
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:36.11 / 02:18.77
Fright Night - FAIL 0 00:05.08 / 02:23.86
Risk It for the Biscuit - FAIL 0 00:19.99 / 02:43.84
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:19.22 / 03:03.06
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:10.69 / 03:13.75
Unstable Mable - FAIL 0 00:12.54 / 03:26.29
Alex's Hair - FINISH 1 00:12.75 / 03:39.04
10 Aiden Engl 8 03:32.64 8
Aiden Engl is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174495
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:21.21 / 00:21.21
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:26.89 / 00:48.10
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:34.13 / 01:22.23
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:27.30 / 01:49.53
Wheel Deal - FAIL 0 00:16.55 / 02:06.08
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:28.78 / 02:34.87
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:09.69 / 02:44.56
Risk It for the Biscuit - FAIL 0 00:15.59 / 03:00.14
Star Bizarre - COMPLETE 1 00:18.44 / 03:18.58
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:14.06 / 03:32.64
Unstable Mable - FAIL 0 00:16.23 / 03:48.87
Alex's Hair - FAIL 0 00:16.11 / 04:04.98
11 Cal Billings 6 03:38.82 6
Cal Billings is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 161199
Grip'n'Rip - FAIL 0 00:12.94 / 00:12.94
In Play All Day - COMPLETE 1 00:26.35 / 00:39.29
Reverse Traverse - COMPLETE 1 00:30.13 / 01:09.42
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:18.75 / 01:28.16
Wheel Deal - FAIL 0 00:14.36 / 01:42.53
Net Threat - COMPLETE 1 00:39.24 / 02:21.77
Fright Night - FAIL 0 00:13.81 / 02:35.58
Risk It for the Biscuit - COMPLETE 1 00:17.64 / 02:53.22
Star Bizarre - FAIL 0 00:18.68 / 03:11.90
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - FAIL 0 00:07.53 / 03:19.43
Unstable Mable - COMPLETE 1 00:19.39 / 03:38.82
Alex's Hair - FAIL 0 00:15.95 / 03:54.77
12 Oskar Klarin 3 02:34.66 3
Oskar Klarin is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 164008
Grip'n'Rip - COMPLETE 1 00:22.09 / 00:22.09
In Play All Day - FAIL 0 00:20.36 / 00:42.45
Reverse Traverse - FAIL 0 00:35.88 / 01:18.33
Dope Rope - FAIL 0 00:27.39 / 01:45.72
Wheel Deal - COMPLETE 1 00:17.04 / 02:02.76
Net Threat - FAIL 0 00:14.35 / 02:17.11
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:17.55 / 02:34.66
Risk It for the Biscuit - FAIL 0 00:14.61 / 02:49.28
Star Bizarre - FAIL 0 00:12.60 / 03:01.88
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - FAIL 0 00:08.51 / 03:10.38
Unstable Mable - FAIL 0 00:15.00 / 03:25.39
Alex's Hair - FAIL 0 00:16.18 / 03:41.57
13 Henry Dedrick 3 03:13.89 3
Henry Dedrick is NinjaWorks Athlete ID 174807
Grip'n'Rip - FAIL 0 00:21.11 / 00:21.11
In Play All Day - FAIL 0 00:33.00 / 00:54.10
Reverse Traverse - FAIL 0 00:24.01 / 01:18.11
Dope Rope - COMPLETE 1 00:28.95 / 01:47.06
Wheel Deal - FAIL 0 00:09.24 / 01:56.29
Net Threat - FAIL 0 00:16.80 / 02:13.09
Fright Night - COMPLETE 1 00:15.21 / 02:28.30
Risk It for the Biscuit - FAIL 0 00:14.96 / 02:43.26
Star Bizarre - FAIL 0 00:16.43 / 02:59.69
BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) - COMPLETE 1 00:14.20 / 03:13.89
Unstable Mable - FAIL 0 00:11.29 / 03:25.18
Alex's Hair - FAIL 0 00:21.25 / 03:46.44